The death toll from the widespread Covid-19 in the United States has reached more than 3,400. The Johns Hopkins University said the recent reported death toll in the US has crossed number of deaths in China. On Tuesday, 31st March, more than 3,410 deaths due to coronavirus have been reported in the U.S. The coronavirus center of the university has reported that global data shows 3,309 people have died in China from the COVID-19 virus. The overall number of confirmed cases in the US had exceeded during last week compared to those in hard-hit countries Italy and China. It is noteworthy that US administration and officials are struggling with a consistent response after delayed efforts to stop the widespread coronavirus.
More than 175,000 cases have been reported in the United States during 2-months after the nation’s first reported case was identified in Washington State, in spite of concerns regarding shortage of essential testing for many Americans. Point to be noted that most of the deaths in China are concentrated in Hubei province, where outbreak epicenter Wuhan is located. The university reports have indicated that 3,187 people have died following the outburst, since the first death was reported in December 2019. New York has appeared as a viral epicenter in the United States with more the 1,000 reported deaths in just New York City.
Chinese health officials have announced on Tuesday that more than 1,500 cases involving asymptomatic people had not been previously reported. The asymptomatic patients were not included in the country’s recording of the overall number of patients. Hospitals across the country are anticipating a surge in new patients and relying on federal relief for additional equipment, including potentially life-saving ventilators, as well as masks, gowns, and other essentially needed PPE equipment. Trump has abandoned a plan to re-open the United States by mid-April 2020. The CDC is expected to change its guidelines to suggest every American should wear a mask in public.