The normal heart won the emmy award, this Television movie was declared as the best movie, HBO has been known as a front-runner in the category. This current movies is an adaptation of Larry Kramer’s groundbreaking 1985 play, this movie took place the time between 1981 to 1984 in the New York City during the early days of AIDS crisis. This movie had taken years in making the ultimately finding transaction under Ryan Murphy. This play included HBO featured star Mark Ruffalo, Julia Roberts, Alfred Molina, Jim Parons, Matt Bomers, and other famous actors. This play gathered a good fame due to its style of production and direction and a hard working of the movie making team.
EMMY 2014 was again the mark of the adventure and this was the best part of the movie. This movie was previewed by more than 2.39 millions people. On the morning of Emmy’s awards, Murphy praised Kramer and hoped the awards that this will bring the attention in more viewers to Kramer’s political tinged work in the “Normal Heart”. I am so excited for Larry, “Murphy told to The Times. It was a labor of love and I fought against it. And this is owing to our efforts and we are living with this regard.