Republicans must fight against Mail-in voting option for 2020 Election

Republicans must fight against Mail-in voting option for 2020 Election

U.S President Donald Trump has warned Republicans to fight Democratic efforts to expand mail-in voting. He said it would negatively affect the GOP’s election chances in 2020 election. The latest call to action came after Republicans successfully opposed attempts to postpone the Wisconsin primary amidst widespread Covid-19 fears. On Wednesday, Trump tweeted and said, “Republicans […]

Trump suggests Reopening US within Next 3 Months despite Health Official’s Warning

Trump suggests Reopening US within Next 3 Months despite Health Official’s Warning

U.S President Donald Trump said he is considering reopening the United States from its coronavirus shutdown after 3 or 4 months. Some experts have also predicted the lockdown might, even saying he seeks considering such an order when a White House-mandated 15-day period to shutter much of the economy ends during next week. Moreover, it […]