Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid died at 82

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid died at 82

The former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid passed away at the age of 82. Reid served in Congress from 1983 until his retirement in 2017 and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2018. He announced in 2019 his cancer was in remission. A Democrat representing Nevada, Reid served as senate majority leader from 2007-2015. He […]

Barack Obama alleged China and Russia at UN Climate Summit COP26 in Glasgow

Barack Obama alleged China and Russia at UN Climate Summit COP26 in Glasgow

On Monday, Barack Obama expressed confidence at UN climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland that the Biden administration will ultimately get its $555 billion climate package through Congress. He also alleged US rivals China and Russia for a dangerous lack of urgency in cutting their own climate-wrecking emissions. Obama said, “When it comes to climate, time […]

President Biden launched Weekly Conversation for Americans to listen their issues

President Biden launched Weekly Conversation for Americans to listen their issues

US President Joe Biden offered words in support of a California woman who lost her job in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. He delivered his words during his economic relief plans in his inaugural weekly conversation with Americans. On Sunday, the White House also posted a video to its social media platforms about the […]

Politics is More Sense, Less Passion: Obama

Politicians have become One-sided in this times, they think to be very argumentative, and more convergent political culture than that of the past; politicians are more programmed to reach across barricades not to erect them. We can give you lots examples in this regard, let’s have an example of a liberal leader named Jo Grimond […]