Syrian Orphans Have Hold Guns
A Facebook user David Ables shared a picture on 25th November 2015 in which supposedly indicating a group of Syrian boys having guns and implied the showing boys in the photograph that these boys belong to the Syrian refugees showing their anger against the United States. It is important that posted photograph was not captured in Syria and it is not showing Syrian refugees. It is said that the boys are just children not terrorists and blame that they are holding original and real firearms. We found that this photograph was captured in the month of July 2014 in Pakistan, on Jerusalem Day and presenting the anger of Al-Quds.
The details attached with this photograph describing that these children belong to ‘Pakistani Shiite Muslims’ and they are holding toy guns not real during a sample of protest. A protest and rally held on Jerusalem Day and a number of people participated including children and they protest against the policies of Israel and the United States for Middle East. This rally took place in Karachi, Pakistan on Jerusalem Day and children wearing uniform to mark Al Quds on 25th July 2014. A number of Muslim countries mark Al Quds day. This day first marked by the late Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979 in the month of Ramadan. This day annually celebrated to show support for Palestinian people and their struggle against seize of Israel.