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Off-Road Campfire Ban in British Columbia to Prevent Wildfires

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The officials have indicated that new restrictions have been imposed to help in preventing new wildfires in mostly dry weather in British Columbia. An official from the BC Wildfire Service, Kevin Skrepnek said that there were at least 127 fires burning reported across British Columbia on Sunday morning, but just 6 were sparked on Saturday. He further indicated that hot and dry conditions stick around the province. There are just some people reacted against the prohibitions on off-road vehicles and campfires. He said “I think most people are getting the message generally and people are talking about the serious threat of human-caused fires”. He added that dry weather conditions will not be out of the dimension of possibility in getting a number of new fires a day.

The province authorities have banned the use of off-road vehicles in most of the southern British Columbia last week. The authorities have indicated that the prohibition was essential to prevent sparks or hot tail pipes from getting extremely dry fuel in the grasslands and forests. The campfire bans will also take effect throughout most parts in the province for several weeks. The Williams Lake RCMP were called early in the morning on Saturday after receiving a report of launching fireworks. Police immediately responded and discovered several fireworks on a property. A man has been fined 1 thousand U.S dollars in Williams Lake and RCMP has indicated that there was a careless act and it could have made the wildfire situation more critical in British Columbia.