Press Secretary of White House Sarah Sanders Issued Important Briefing
The press secretary of White House, Sarah Sanders is defending the U.S President Trump regarding the crushing criticism from his own party members. She also presented a list of achievements as she believes that the U.S President has achieved in his first 10 months. She said that the history is looking at the current U.S President due to he provided a significant amount of help to defeat ISIS. She added that Trump has built a much stronger economy as we compared to the past several decades. He also brought unemployment at its lowest level since last 16 years. He created more than 1.7 million new jobs since he was elected as the new U.S President. She added that ISIS was on the decline when Obama left his office, but Trump provided a handsome support to defeat Daesh, ISIS and other terrorist groups.
She added that the U.S backed armed forces battling against ISIS in Syria has informed about major military operations in Raqqa have finalized and most terrorist groups has lost their control over the city. Point to be noted that the U.S Defense Secretary James Mattis said earlier that its credits goes to the decision of Trump to allow commanders more offensive in undertaking operations on their own authority and it shows the efficient approach of Trump. It is important that the idea about entirely defeating the ISIS in not correct because some ISIS-inspired groups have their strongholds across the world. At least 50 militants linked to ISIS killed 4 U.S servicemen in Niger in an attack and it raised questions on Washington administration regarding the scope of mission against ISIS-linked militants based in Africa.