Police Wish-List for Items they Want to Seize
There have been lots of seminars conducted, which have been helping the police officers in seizing the properties and other assets from the culprits and these tips include that, they should not bother with Jewelry and computer, but they should go after the Screens, TVs, cars, and especially nice cars, which is always a matter of concern. Herry So Connely, who is city’s attorney at Las Cruces, N.M called them little goodies, and then Mr. Connley said that officers called these good as little goodies and in his jurisdiction his officers could not wait to seize one man’s “Exotic Vehicle” outside the local bar. He further said, that a guy was driving a Mercedz Benz, a brand new Car in 2008, the cops were under cover and these were just like aaah. And he gets out and he was reeking of alcohol and its like and it was goodness, we can hardly wait for this.
Mr. Connelly was talking about the practice known as civil asset forfeiture which allows the government without ever securing a conviction or even filing a criminal charge and this practice was made in to an existence during a war against these sorts of drugs and since that time, we have become a staple force of law and under the justice department program, the value of asset seized has ballooned to 4.3 billions in the 2012 fiscal year from $407 million in 2007 and much of this amount is shared with the police officers.