A Photograph Published to Tease Supporters of Hillary Clinton
A photograph was published on social media websites on 29th October 2016 supposedly showing a miserable number of people participating in a rally of former U.S President Bill Clinton. It is important that published image was real and it was taken before Clinton reached at the stage, but this image is not showing total number of his audience. We have found that this photograph was also used by the supporters of Donald Trump to tease Hillary Clinton for drawing small number of crowd to compare with the crowd of their candidate. It is important that supporter of Trump joked regarding the rally size of the rally of Bill Clinton and a user of “4Chan” uploaded a photograph with a title “Rally Photographed.jpg”. It has been confirmed that this image was originally created as a prank.
This joke was started circulation with a claim that it was basically created by the campaign of Bill Clinton and most of the social media networks attempted to pass it off as a original in the support for the candidate of Democratic party. We have found that this photograph was altered by a forum member of the 4Chan, but not the mainstream media. It is important that this photograph hasn’t been posted onto any social media account of Bill Clinton. The original photograph supposedly showing the miserable size of audience of Bill Clinton, but it was a misleading impression. The original image was taken on 28th October 2016 at the Cleveland State University and this photograph wasn’t showing the full size of audience when Bill Clinton originally took the stage.