The website “Associate Media Coverage” published an article on 31st July 2016 and reported that the U.S government had introduced a new regulation. This new regulation will be implemented from January 2017 and this new regulation demands that all motorcycles to be equipped with speed governors capped at 75 mph. The website indicated in its article that the major purpose of implementing new regulation was due to prevent motorcyclists from exceeding the supposed speed limit of 75 mph. Another important objective to implement this regulation was to decrease the number of annual motorcycle accidents in the United States. The officials believe that all motorcycle manufacturers and motorcyclists would welcome this new regulation and it will be implemented in the beginning of January 2017.
The representative of the U.S Department of Transportation James Littleton said that “It is a major safety regulation and it should have been implemented since past 2 decades. But, now we have finally implementing this regulation and it will ensure the safety of the U.S citizens. When we tried to find out about the authenticity of this news, we found that this claim was one of the many hoaxes published by the “Associated Media Coverage” website. This website has been considered one of the popular fake news websites. This website also spread homogenized false claim in the month of March 2016 and indicated about a motorcycle curfew, another false claim of “FDA e-juice ban” and a false story regarding the debate of transgender bathrooms.