Mueller Investigation about Russian influence in U.S Presidential Election 2016
The Robert Mueller investigation has been considered a dishonor to our tradition of liberty, the U.S Constitution, and to the American Way. Mueller doesn’t experience any specific legal deadline and there are several reports to be prepared. It would bring some changes against alleged Russian influence behind the breach of the Democratic National Committee in making decisions to prosecute other cases. There are a number of sensitive issues to be resolved. Mueller can be at for the rest of his life, with an unlimited budget, and at taxpayer expense. But, it will not be considered justice in any thoughtful sense of the term. It is currently the sore-loser Left’s latest attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 U.S presidential election by orchestrating, via deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein and St. James Comey.
The late former mayor of New York City said that the people have spoken and now they must be punished. Trump supporters knew it would even if they can’t get a do-over on 2016. There is nothing Mueller can do regarding the influence of Russian in the U.S presidential election 2016. So, if he unable in bringing any changes against the U.S President, it would create more tension. But, if he does, the situation might change. We all know about the investigation of Mueller and its leaks to media and his friends. Some sources who constantly assure us that he is trying to railroad Steven Hatfill has been considered a targeted and straight arrow, similar to Jim Comey.