Louisville Taco Bell Refused to Serve 5 Police Officers at their Restaurant
Most of the social media outlets exploded after a claim appeared by the police officers who denied service at a Louisville Taco Bell in the month of August 2016. The Associated Press indicated that 5 officers of Police Department said that they visited on 19th August 2016 at a local Taco Bell, but left without eating. The same reporting pointed out that Taco Bell immediately confessed to the Police Department and delivered free meals to make up for the incident. The owner of the franchise said that police didn’t need anyone to be terminated over this incident. Taco Bell issued a statement regarding this controversy to a local news outlet WLKY and said that the owner of the Louisville Taco Bell franchise didn’t allow discrimination and showed deep regrets for not serving at the restaurant.
He directly confessed to the police officers and the Louisville Metro Police Department. The Police Department made it clear that they don’t need anybody to lose their job due to this incident. This viral story is one of the claims involved policemen. In the late 2014, rumors started circulating with a claim that several police officers of NYPD were allegedly refused from a Brooklyn Chipotle. The initial investigation by the chain confirmed that police officers selected to leave when an employee made a Don’t Shoot gesture. A number of stories circulated in the month of September 2015 about “shunned policeman” on most of the social media websites involving a Philadelphia Starbucks, a Florida Arby’s and Texas Whatburger. Similar claim circulated on social media websites in 2016 about shunned policemen at a McDonalds in Alabama.