The U.S Department of Homeland Security is looking to ban entire carry-on laptops on flights from Europe to the United States. This new change in rule will represent an extension of formerly imposed regulations for banning carry-on laptops and tablets on flights from a number of African and Middle Eastern countries. It was first reported by the Daily Beast about the supposed ban referring to the European security officials. The spokesperson of the U.S Department of Homeland Security David Lapan also confirmed the position of the department on Twitter with a statement. The statement indicated that “there is no final decision made on the expanding the restriction on large sized electronic devices in the cabins of an aircraft, but it is still under consideration”.
He added that “The Department of Homeland Security is continuously evaluating the expected threat situation and any essential change can take place in order to keep air travelers safe”. The initial ban on carry-on laptops and tablets was evidently a response to expected threats that someone would conceal or hide a bomb in an iPad and manually explode it during flight. The United Kingdom also followed the restriction and imposed a similar & targeted ban on large sized electronics in the cabins of airplane. It is important that neither ban prevents these devices from being checked and transported in the baggage hold, but carry-on these devices are restricted.