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Joel Osteen Officially Recommended Donald Trump as the New U.S President

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Televangelist Joel Osteen made an appearance on a radio show “the Kilmeade & Friends” on 7th October 2015 and delivered a message during program that he is more confidence about the message of Donald Trump “Make Our Country Great Again”. He said the “I think it is reasonable and maybe our country is not at the stage where it must be. Let’s work together and bring back our country where it was”. After a number of months, the statement of Osteen in a radio show “Kilmeade & Friends” comments started and his statement again circulated with some misleading titles. Some titles indicated that Osteen had officially recommended Donald Trump as the new U.S President.

An entertainment website “” published a video clip of the comments of Osteen by adding a title “Guess Who is Recommending Trump, Joel Freaking Osteen- You Did it? This new recommendation about Trump is going to push the world. At the other hand, Osteen also admired that his comments regarding recommendations were actually short and the televangelist is still finding essential elements to confirm his political position. His church also released a statement in the month of March 2016 that “adverse to the misleading information that is circulating on the social media. Pastor Joel Osteen hadn’t recommended any candidate for the U.S President officially”.