The most shocking video and the footage went viral on various social media platforms. These videos have shown hundreds of yellow-head birds across the sidewalk in Alvaro Obregon, city of Cuauhtemoc, state of Chihuahua. The authorities said the police department immediately responded after receiving calls at around 8:30 am on 7th February. Residents in Alvaro Obregon reported a storm of birds suddenly coming down which left dozens of dead birds across the sidewalk.
A local resident informed a news channel that most of the birds were seen flying away. But dozens of yellow-headed birds fell onto the ground. Most of the local residents watched falling from the sky at around 5:00 am, across the sidewalk. A surveillance video camera also recorded footage of falling birds at the same time. It shows a flock of yellow head birds suddenly came down but left dozens of motionless scattered birds across the sidewalk.
Regions of Yellow-headed Blackbirds
These yellow-headed blackbirds travel in the winter season from Canada to the South of Mexico. National Wildlife Federation said the yellow-headed typically spend the summer season in the west-central US and Canada. They migrate from California, South Texas, and Central America to the western US in the winter. A local newspaper El Heraldo de Chihuahua also reported that a vet professional examined the dead black yellow-head birds.
The newspaper suggested that there could be various reasons behind the incident. He said these were supposedly died after inhaling poisonous gas, or from a heater. They were supposedly dead after making contacts with power lines due to overloading. Some of the social media users also made speculations saying the incident happened due to humming but went wrong.
Massive Formations of European Starlings
Most people have experienced massive formations with hundreds of birds. Most of them are local starlings as well as European starlings. They like to fly together and rapidly change their direction to muddle up hunters. One social media user said it seems much like the leading birds went confused. A supposed collision was behind the incident which caused scattered dead birds across the sidewalk and road.
However, the surface provided help to surviving members of the flock to fly back. Most witnesses informed that wounded starlings were scattered in fences and on the ground. The council officers also reached the scene to remove bloodied bird bodies from the road. The officials also confirmed that at least 200 starlings had died. These birds were found dead near the villages of Waterston and Hazel Beach.
Similar Incidents from Rubio and Wales
These kinds of blackbirds were also found dead at least 600 miles away in Rubio, Mexico. The dead birds were collected for testing purposes to confirm their original reason for death and the investigation is underway. A similar incident happened last week around 5 thousand miles away at a seaside village in Wales. The incident left 200 birds dead after they suddenly fell from the sky.
A widely shared video on different social platforms shows a storm of birds suddenly coming down and striking the ground. Some of them survived and flew away, but many others were left lying dead on the city streets. Another similar shocking incident took place in 2020 in Pennsylvania.