Hayabusa 2 Spacecraft Launched
On November 30, Japan’s Hayabusa 2 will be leaving Earth Abroad a Mitsubishi made rocket to make its way to an asteroid. The Japanese spacecraft will follow the processor’s step and will observe a space rock for science, and will search out the silicate and nickel and Iron, this one headed for first Hayabusa that searched out also an asteroid rich in Silicate and Iron. The Unnamed vehicle will traverse outer space for than three years until finds out asteroid 1999 JU3 which is scheduled to reach by the end of 2018. After this vehicle rendezvous, and the rover called Mascot and a rover called MINERVA 2 on its surface. That rover will be in charge of assessing and finding the best locations, where hayabusa will be will be able to perform the sample tests, and this is only the near called the impactor. If all goes well, Hayabhusa 2 will start its Journey back home in 2019 and touch down a year later, carrying a wealth samples with it. Japanese scientists are hoping that materials taken from it can prove clues on where our water came from and how the life began on the earth, and hoe this entire cycle will take place.