Was The Grandfather of Donald Trump a Drug Dealer?
The biography revealed in the month of November 2015, of grandfather of the candidate of U.S Presidential Elections Donald Trump, Frederick Trump. This story contains two paragraphs and circulated on a large scale on social media online websites. Some of the information in this post found accurate and real, but most of the information found incomplete or non-relevant. A book of Gwenda Blair in 2001 with a title ‘The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and A Presidential Candidate’ indicated that how Frederick Trump begun their business by opening a series of restaurants and hotels in 1890. The Arctic Restaurant and Hotel is one of those hotels described as superior and international standard restaurant than most of the restaurants in the area.
It is important that an unknown letter received by Yukon indicated that The Arctic Restaurant and Hotel was considered well known for adultery. This letter advised alone traveling respectable women that they should be more careful in choosing hotels at Bennett. He added that Arctic provides more relaxed environment and most attractive restaurant in Bennett. So, he advised strongly to respectable women to avoid staying such kinds of places. It was not confirmed that Frederick Trump was directly involved in getting profit from adultery at his hotel. In addition, grandfather of Donald Trump was a German immigrant who started opening a number of restaurant and hotels in Seattle and British Columbia.