According to the inspection done by the UK officials which also includes the collection of data from the ISPs; has been told by the parliamentary committee. The whole thing is not overly clear and quite vague. A huge number of emails and other data from the internet has been tapped by the ISC and the GCHQ with the help of the NSA’s PRISM. Edward Snowden started the whole affair in 2013. even after tapping such details, the company was not able to gather the data we wanted.
The committee said that they were highly satisfied by the work being managed by the intelligence and security Agencies of UK do not avoid the law. As soon as it has done that they say “however, that legal framework has developed piecemeal, and is unnecessarily complicated. We have serious concerns about the resulting lack of transparency, which is not in the public interest.”
The issue was taken into court which was given the decision that the whole thing was not “illegal.” The whole idea was given to the different things that included the handling of NSA data which can be utilized by filling out a form for the GCHQ. The whole thing was confirmed by the parliamentary committee that:
According to the inquiry done; the agencies have shown that the authorities do not have any legal capacity of handling the technical issues neither can we communicate with the citizens of the UK through any way: very importantly that the GCHQ are not reading the emails of everyone.
It was reported that the complete thing depended to “operate on a very small percentage” of all those who use the internet, for which only “a certain amount of material is being collected.” The management of handling the basic things include the management of the last document which is quite tiny, the report also confirmed that every person also requires a warrant which says “signed by a Secretary of State.”
The whole issue was based on the fact that the collection of the data would be on not on solid management. The development of the different issues was done on the “new, transparent legal framework” –this was based on the issues that were decided by the court. it was also confirmed that we need to keep a check on the different issues as “we do not subscribe to the point of view voiced by some of our witnesses that it is preferable to let some terrorist attacks happen rather than to allow any form of bulk interception.”