Federal Funds Will be Stopped for Schools Not Allowing Transgender Students to Use Bathrooms: U.S President
A website “Young Conservatives” published an article on 13th May 2016 and reported that the U.S President Barak Obama had decreed all American schools should allow transgender to use all bathrooms, otherwise they will face lawsuits and they will not be able to get federal funding. Most of the versions indicated that the U.S President “decreed” that all American schools should instantly impose such specific policies. The President Barak Obama said that constitutional limits on his powers and released a directive order that all public schools in the United States should allow transgender identity holder to use all bathrooms at their own choice. The Texas State said “no thanks” and blamed on the U.S President of blackmail.
When we tried to find about authenticity of this news, we found that the U.S Department of Justice Civil Rights Division and the U.S Department of Education Office of Civil Rights issued a joint statement on 13th May 2016 with some specific guidance. This statement defines the federal guideline to use bathrooms for transgender students. They provided similar terms such as “Gender identity, Sex on birth-certificate, Gender transition and Transgender”. The guideline mentioned the title IX in the Education Amendments of 1972. The title IX defines that all American schools are prohibited to force students to use the available facilities after showing their gender identity. The directive order mentioned that transgender students should not be separated from other students to use restrooms and locker-rooms.