Easy to Learn Christmas Songs for Piano Beginners
A piano beginner always looks forward to get the fruit of the efforts he has made. To encourage your learning always start by learning from the simple songs that help you in easily playing the songs. For playing any song in shortest time, there is a simple trick, i.e. first play it slow then slowly increase the pace of the song. In the next paragraphs there is no exception for the suggested Christmas song. It’s simple to play these songs because of fingering progression and moderate tempo. For festivals like Christmas it is suggested to the piano students to uncover three simple songs.
Song # 1
At the classical level before playing this song it doesn’t matter how much you have gone through your training classes. For more than ten times you might have heard these common songs. Recognizing the melody is the important part of every music and then simply trace it first or later test the chord and for match just hear I, IV and V.
Song # 2
Every piano beginner can easily play the song “Away in a manger” without any difficulty. There are two things that you need to do with this song. These are:
1- Practice all the notes and reframe the melody.
2- Apply the chord in I, IV and V in chord or arpeggio form.
Song # 3
This song is not hundred percent perceived as a Christmas song, it’s just a traditional and in Christmas period people usually love to hear this song so much. You can play this song as it is as easy as the other two songs mentioned above. Lots of different lyrics have been used in Auld Lang Syne. On the internet you can find lots of music sheets and lyrics. Sol-fa can be use as a tonic:
s: d:. d. d: m: r:. d. r: m.r d:. d. m: s: l:-:- d: s:. m.m: d: r:. d. r: m.r d:. l.l:s:d:-:- l:s:. m. m: d: r:. d.r:l:s m. m: s:l:-: d’: s:- m. m: d: r: d. r: m.r: d.:l. l: s: d:-:-
Comparatively there are other songs that are easy to play and understand you can easily practice and here are some of them:
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, Grandma Got run over, 12 Days of Christmas, I’ll Be Home for Christmas, Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, White Christmas, Silver Bulls, Winter wonderland.
Beethoven, the great pianist played “Fur Elise”. At first he played it very slow before playing it in full tempo. You have to play any song with discipline and very patiently you need to approach the piece of music. Playing music quickly like tutor do is not necessary. Just in the beginning you need to be in discipline.
Beginners need to understand that not every song is difficult to play. There are many other songs that are very easy to play and understand. Elements like tonic sol-fa, rhythm and tempo need to uncover that type of element so that the beginners can easily start their learning easily. They just need to play songs slowly and after sometime they can catch the pace they are looking for.