A meme photograph was circulated on most of the social media networks in the month of March 2016 regarding the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). This company owns and manages the detention centers and private prisons, and spending more than 1 million U.S dollars per year for lobbying in order to resist the legalizing marijuana. The major reason was due to only a small number of people have been sent to jail charged for drugs. Point to be noted that laws have prohibited many types of drugs including marijuana. The company is focusing to realize the public that marijuana has less dangers as compared to other drugs.
This attraction was presented in order to increase the number of prisoners in their private prisons to earn more profits. The published meme is supposedly published in the month of April 2015 by Washington Post and its article indicated about generally privatized prisons and CCA. The image in the above discussed meme allegedly mentioned that company is spending more than 1 million U.S dollars per year in the fight against the legalization of marijuana. The Center for Responsive Politics is considered an open secret site, it maintained a profile of CCA and mentioned the expenses of CCA specifically about the lobbying activities in 2015, which was estimated at more than 1 million U.S dollars.