An old meme published in the month of February 2016 claiming that a famous actor Ato Essandoh was dead during the filming of Django Unchained. This meme started circulation and shared by a number of Facebook users. The posted photograph was initially published and shared on most of the social media websites in the year 2012 after the release of Django Unchained. The actor Ato Essandoh exposed practical joke for his own death on Twitter. It is important that Actor Essandoh also discussed in an interview with City Beat in the month of July 2013 regarding misleading joke of his death.
He also said that it was just a fun due to I was on Twitter when an unknown person tweeted me, but I rejected because it was just a stupid prank. It was amazed that there were more than 500 comments and likes for this practical joke. Most of the people asked that “Did DeCaprio killed his poor boy? Or he sacrificed himself? I thought they were kidding me. I just started tweeting to ensure that I am alive and healthy. It was one of the most shocking and exciting thing ever experienced in my entire career that people assumed that I am dead! We have found that all the statement in this meme is false and it was just used to attract more users, but the Actor is Essandoh is still alive and healthy.