Digital and online marketing is constantly going through changes with rapidly evolving technology. By 2022, it is predicted that online marketing trends will shift tremendously. Discussed below are some of the strongest practices, innovations, and trends that will dominate the industry. Here’s a brief glance at the future of web marketing.
Content Marketing
Content that has the capacity of going viral is already the most valuable form of content on the internet. This trend of witty, short and relatable content is going to continue to be the essence of future web marketing. The apparent shift towards video marketing is predicted to increase even further. According to a recent study conducted by Ofcom Communications, it was revealed that –
YouTube ranked higher than Google Search Results in terms of gaining exposure to unique audiences on mobile phones. So, the content share-ability available on YouTube is bound to be one of the central focuses of web marketing in the future.
That same study also revealed that by the end of 2020, video content will account for over 80% of all user traffic on the internet. Majority of these potential customers will be accessing the internet with their mobile devices. For this reason, it is very important for companies to increase their mobile video production budget for the next few years.
Live Streaming and Marketing
When preparing video content, it is also important to consider streaming platforms such as Facebook Live. These stream-able videos tend to be significantly longer in duration as compared to pre-recorded videos. They are also a great way for businesses to engage with their audiences as comments made by viewers on these types of videos are also more in number and in real-time. There is certainly a lot of room for innovation in this field of video content sharing and most of the major social media websites are planning to invest heavily into this feature.
Companies can either invest in online personalities and ask them to advertise their product or create live streaming content of their own. For instance, for businesses that have a significant social media presence, sharing video stream content that informs users about what goes on in the background, in the office, etc. is a fine way of humanizing a brand.
Stricter Regulations
Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms have made a strong stand on content regulations. Make sure to read all the updated regulations of these platforms. These major companies are making sure that hate speech, insensitive content, and ‘fake news’ do not spread on their platforms. Hence, expecting stricter codes of inclusive communication and conduct on these platforms and preparing in advance to reduce any risk of being banned or misrepresented on these platforms is the best way to move forward.
Personal Assistants
As AI creeps into the field of web marketing the future looks more and more predisposed towards the increasing use of Personal Assistants and other similar features.
To know more about how to prepare for the future advances in the field of web marketing, get in touch with some of the leading experts of this industry.
The Best Advice to Make Your Content Marketing Campaign Effective
Make sure that the content is focused towards the needs of the target audience.
Quality matters over quantity. In order to gain a substantial following, offering quality content in a consistent manner is a must. Consider building an email list. Using this, delivering valuable content and engaging with community members becomes easier.
Recognize what business consequence the content has to impact. There are certain things that need to be addressed before launching a content creation campaign. Questions such as –
- Should the content focus on raising awareness for a brand?
- Is there a need to build an email list?
- If so, how many contacts should be targeted?
- Does the company need to encourage readers to buy certain products or services?
- Will the content purely be used to advertise or should there be facilities made to convert readers into paying customers?
- Is there a need to retain users?
Should every reader be required to sign up for the mailing list before they are allowed to read the content?
Once these crucial questions have been answered and the aforementioned principles of content marketing have been carried out, launching a content campaign becomes a lot easier. Seattle fence contractors