FFRF Requested to Remove Bibles From Hotel Rooms

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A Facebook page ‘American Center for Law & Justice’ (ACLJ) republished an image including a text that ‘A freethinker group of atheists has demanded that all hotels should eliminate Bibles from their rooms. They also claimed that Bible may endanger your life and health’. The ACLJ is considered a Christian encouragement group founded by Pat Robertson. A number of websites reported that ‘freethinker group of atheists is demanding that all hotels should eliminate Bibles from their hotel rooms’. It is important that Bible was placed by a Christian group and the anti-Christian Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) has demanded that Bibles should be removed from university hotel rooms.


The FFRF is a group of immoderate people and calling the Bible ‘hateful’ and offensively spoken that Bible is motivating for killing non-believers. They also claimed that keeping the Bibles in university hotel rooms is considered undemocratic and unlawful. It is important that universities in Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa have already banned Bible from their universities. Point to be noted that this request was published by the ACLJ on the Facebook with the specific reference ‘University Hotel Rooms’, but it was assumed that it is regarding the religious materials in the public institutions. The FFRF published a press statement on 30th October 2015 on this matter and said that ‘Northern Illinois University speedily eliminated all Bibles from their Holmes Student Center Hotel when they received a letter posted by the Freedom from Religion Foundation, indicated that it is unlawful to keep Bible there’.