1938 Harvard Crimson Poll on Jewish Refugees Re-emerge on Social Media After Terrorist Attacks in Paris
A number of debates have been started regarding crisis of growing Syrian refugees, after a series of synchronized terrorist attacks by the militants of ISIS at midnight on 13th and 14th November 2015. On 16th November 2015 an article appeared on the social media websites indicating the article of 1938 by Harvard Crimson and his title ‘Poll Shows Students Don’t Want More Refugees Here’. This article was published in the newspapers in 1938-39 about the Jewish refugee’s crisis. The original date of this published article was mentioned 14th December 1938. He indicated in the article that the first national poll about the survey in getting the opinions of young people including a large number of young college students believes that Jewish refugees should not be allowed to enter a large amount of refugees in the United States.
A number of social media users updated their posts by adding a link of the article of Harvard Crimson around 16th November 2015, but Google search has restricted some published pages prior to 9th November 2015 and this link was also teetered without any notice. Recently, a senior person at the World Policy Institute Sherle Schwenninger said that the United States sustains some burden of the Syrian refugee crisis and the U.S should open their borders as a moral responsibility. The immigration laws in America have quotas that a number of people from other countries are allowed to come to United States. According to the quota, 27,375 Germen citizen refugees migrated to the United States in 1939 because more than 300,000 German refugees came to America in 1938.